About Us
CountLess Apps is a collection of free software add-ons for Gmail and G Suite.
We provide easy software solutions to help automate workflow processes to enhance your daily tasks so you can achieve higher productivity.
Terms of Use
We'd like recognition for our hard work in developing these software apps. Thus, we hope that you respect our copyright over these software apps and not share with others. If you know someone who might benefit from our software apps, please refer them to us.
Common Questions
Seriously . . . FREE?
Yes, we provide software apps that you can use without paying for the software! Please observe our Terms of Use.
What's the catch?
First and foremost, we are professionals who just want to help your business. We realized long ago that the problem with software, and technology in general, is the lack of understanding and training that's necessary to fully maximize its use. We hope you recognize our value-added proposition and hire us as consultants to help improve your business processes.
Do you provide support?
Because we don't charge for the use of our software, we don't have the capacity to provide support. However, you can find answers to many of your questions in our Support page. As well, we provide consulting services in case you encounter difficulties that need to be solved with a personal touch.